September 21, 2015 (extended)
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focussing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded systems and wireless networking – an area of highest relevance for visionary technologies such as the Internet of Things or Cyber-Physical Systems and application domains such as Smart Production, Smart Cities, or Connected Cars.
The featured topic of the 2016 edition of EWSN is “Dependability” and we specifically welcome contributions that aim at making networked embedded systems more reliable, predictable, safe, and secure in order to enable critical applications that require guaranteed performance. Topics not related to dependability are equally welcome as long as they fall into the scope of the conference (i.e., wireless networked embedded systems).
EWSN 2016 will also host a competition on dependability as well as two workshops in emerging areas focusing on novel embedded communication paradigms and on next-generation wireless embedded computing platforms.
EWSN 2016 is held in cooperation with ACM SIGBED. The proceedings will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
[NEW!] Best Paper Award:
Information Bang for the Energy Buck: Towards Energy- and Mobility-Aware Tracking
Philipp Sommer, Jiajun Liu, Kun Zhao, Branislav Kusy, Raja Jurdak, Adam McKeown and David Westcott
[NEW!] Best Paper Award Runner-up:
Sharing a Medium Between Concurrent Protocols Without Overhead Using the Capture Effect
Michael König and Roger Wattenhofer
[NEW!] Best Poster Award:
Building a Stairway to Centralised WSN Control
Pablo Corbalan, Victor Cionca, Ramona Marfievici, Donna O'Shea and Dirk Pesch
[NEW!] Best Demo Award:
IoT Meets Robotics - First Steps, RIOT Car, and Perspectives
Hauke Petersen, Cedric Adjih, Oliver Hahm and Emmanuel Baccelli
[NEW!] EWSN Dependability Competition Awards: See this page.

More pictures from the conference can be found on this page.
Latest News
- 23.03.2016: Proceedings now online open access in ACM Digital Library and DBLP
- 10.02.2016: Registration closed
21.12.2015: Draft program now online
17.12.2015: Program structure now online
17.12.2015: Information about organized skiing event now online - book early, limited seats!
11.12.2015: Registration now online (early fee until January 10)
04.12.2015: Registration fees posted (290 EUR early / 370 EUR late)
03.12.2015: Deadlines for Camera Ready versions:
Conference Papers: December 18, 2015
Poster and Demo Abstracts: December 23, 2015
Workshop Papers: December 20, 2015
Competition Abstracts: December 16, 2015
10.11.2015: Workshops do now accept also short (2 page) position statements.
10.11.2015: Workshop deadline extended to Nov 16.
02.11.2015: The MadCom workshop keynote will be given by Stefan Mangold
29.10.2015: The conference keynotes will be given by Prof. Chenyang Lu and Prof. Friedemann Mattern
28.10.2015: The NextMote workshop keynote will be given by Pat Pannuto
Past conferences
EWSN has been established in 2004 as the European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks and has been held since then in European cities. For the 2016 edition, the scope still includes Wireless Sensor Networks, but has been broadened to all topics at the intersection of embedded systems and wireless networks.
EWSN 2016 is held in cooperation with ACM SIGBED.

Important Dates
Main Track
September 28, 2015 (extended)
December 1, 2015
December 18, 2015
Posters & Demos
December 8 AOE, 2015 (EXTENDED!)
December 18, 2015
December 23, 2015
October 7, 2015 (extended)
October 21, 2015
December 16, 2015
Nov 16, 2015 (extended)
December 7, 2015
December 20, 2015